Tuesday, September 23, 2008

People Really Piss Me The Hell Off

If you can't tell by the title of this post I am really pissed. It is 1:18 at this very moment and I am just going to vent here to you guys. So, I get on Facebook about twenty minutes ago and my friend Kelly, who is a doll, messages me "Can I ask you some questions!!!" I respond with "Shoot." I have nothing to hide, and I'm thinking that it's some poll thing that she has to do for some class. (Back story/side note here: Kelly goes to Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, and that's where Jeffery, Chelsea's ex, goes. Trust me, this all comes into play.) Kelly proceeds to ask me if I've been smoking weed and stuff. Well, you guys know me pretty damn well to know that the answer to that is no, so of course I tell her the truth. I also ask why; I mean, I'm kind of curious to this question's origin. She proceeds to tell me that Jeffery has been saying shit about how I'VE been smoking weed and doing all this other shit. (What this "other shit" is, I have no idea. Kelly being the good friend she is didn't elaborate on it.) You guys know what happened this summer. Of course, you all were there. So now Jeffery's being a dick face and is spreading these bullshit rumors about me and how I'm doing drugs and God only knows what else. I'm pretty pissed off. I haven't spoken a single word to him this summer and now he's spreading all these bullshit rumors about me. And I swear, if I see him or hear any more of this shit that he's been saying then I'm going to track him down like the dog he is and kick his ass! And I will be more than happy to get a drug test done for him just to prove that he's acting like the lying dog he is.


R said...

Ah MateEEE.
Just put a bit of piss in a bottle and send it to the LAD.
Tell him he can drug test it hisself over the deep blue seas...
on a gang plack with the best of 'hem!

You will encounter lots of BS as you enter the adult world, my dear.
Your passage they do not understand, so this is their only way of stepping over/into it and moving on to the next victim.
Altho I understand how deeply this hurts your heart as these were your BFsF AT ONE TIME...it maybe time to move on...so as we say here in the farm house, "Don't lay there long."
Don't even respond to it honey.
Step over.
If you choose to remain on that "Facebook" thing or "My Space" and leave them open to cut you deeper- that would be your choice.
But -ALL doors must be shut. Don't leave a crack in a window either becz breezes do blow thru.
Leave them all a note you've put a bottle of piss n the mail to them ALL!
And close the doors. Move on.
People grow and change- be sure you're always growing forward to new and bigger things-things that uplift you and hold you to a greater standard.

And fear not- or graze too far out into the pasture.
There will be more BS ahead.
Its all in how you handle it honey.
You are my inspirition for the day!
MANDY- Growing ahead- clear the way! (oh dear!you've got a wee bit of bull shit smeared here- have a wipie!)

Rachael said...

Um. I have a pretty for you but I need your email address to send it over. I figure YOU must be technologically inclined enough to handle it from that point on... :-) Unless of course, you've been smokin' too much... ha ha ha.

angela said...